Black Ops Cold War players call for changes to Daily Challenge System

Andrew Highton

One of the most recent changes to BOCW is the addition of Daily Challenges that reward users for completing optional objectives during the course of play. But Black Ops Cold War players are unhappy that the challenges seem to clash with Warzone and want changes.

Most aspects of Black Ops Cold War and Warzone’s integration into each other was a success, players can seamlessly transition between the two modes, and Warzone even adopted many of BOCW’s guns too.

Along with all the Season 1 content updates, Treyarch included some new Daily Challenges to help players increase the rate at which they can earn XP. But the challenges that are in BOCW aren’t aimed specifically at Black Ops Cold War.

daily challenges in cod black ops cold war & warzone

BOCW players unhappy with Daily Challenge System

It’s hard to argue with more opportunities to generate XP, especially given that one of the most common complaints about BOCW is its apparent desire to prolong level and weapon grinds.

Furthermore, some of these challenges are ones that you won’t even need to go out of your way to earn either. Lots of them will come naturally and will be a pleasant surprise to see it pop-up on your screen as completed.

But Treyarch has taken a misstep as BOCW’s Daily Challenges are also for playing Warzone – which seems completely counter-intuitive. The coming together of BOCW and Warzone worked, but it doesn’t mean that BOCW players want to play Warzone.

The game’s official subreddit has a trending post pointing out the general frustration surrounding the dual nature of Black Ops Cold War’s challenges.

One could argue that these are effectively a bonus that only serves to complement the game, but logic dictates that perhaps Warzone challenges should be kept exclusively for Warzone and vice versa for BOCW.

Trying to force Warzone on players that aren’t interested risks alienating them and decreasing numbers for both games. If the community to react negatively to this decision, then action may arrive sooner rather than later.

Image credits: Treyarch, Activision Blizzard