Apex Legends to bring new Legend Classes according to leaks

Joseph Pascoulis
apex legends bloodhound valkyrie gibraltar legend classes

Apex Legends currently has four Legend Classes in the game to distinguish playstyles and roles. However, new leaks are suggesting that even more are coming.

Apex Legends Season 13 introduced Newcastle, a brand-new Defensive Legend who many felt was stepping on Lifeline’s toes. While this has turned out to have done the opposite, it did make players question the Legend Classes.

Players have felt Pathfinder’s Passive has been unjust for many seasons now, and perhaps it’s time for a change to the Legend Classes. According to leaks, this is exactly what is on the way.

apex legends newcastle

From the same source who claims that the Armed and Dangerous LTM is returning for the mid-season update of Apex Legends Season 13, Respawn’s battle royale could be getting a major change to its Legend Classes.

Currently, there are four Legend Classes in Apex Legends:

  • Offensive
  • Defensive
  • Recon
  • Support

The percentage of Legends in each of these classes is very uneven, with only two out of 21 Legends occupying the Support class. Many feel as if some Legends are in the incorrect class, such as Valkyrie, who is much more of an offensive, mobility-based Legend than a Recon.

According to one of Thordan Smash‘s reliable sources, we could be seeing a major rework to the Legend Classes, with some new ones being introduced to better identify and diversify the roster.

The leak suggests that Respawn will be adding more Legend Classes to the game, and while there isn’t an exact number for this, Thordan does say that “it is more than three.”

The main reason Respawn will want to do this is supposedly to rework Legend Passives and place Legends in new classes that make more sense than they currently do.

For example, we could see a mobility Legend Class for characters like Octane, Valkyrie, and Pathfinder. Valkyrie and Pathfinder are currently in the Recon class, but they seem to be much more mobility-based than Bloodhound and Seer, who rely on tracking the enemy.

We’ll have to wait and see what happens and if this leak comes to fruition, but for now, take everything with a grain of salt and check out our recent guide on the best Storm Point landing spots.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment