Apex Legends Season 10: How Seer could knock Gibraltar out of the meta

Apex Legends’ new addition to the roster, Seer, is already proving to be controversial, with some players even claiming he may push Gibraltar out of the meta.
Apex Legends players have been gifted with a host of new content thanks to the Season 10 update. As well as some interesting changes to weapons, Seer has joined the fight and may potentially offer a shift in the current meta.
Of course, some of the Legend buffs and nerfs have also shifted the meta slightly, but some pros are actually claiming that Seer could shift the meta the most out of any Legend, so let’s get into why.

Seer is a new Recon Legend whose abilities are based on gaining information on the enemy’s location.
Further, his tactical, Focus of Attention doesn’t only highlight the enemy when scanned. It also shows their health bar, cancels their healing item if in use, and stops players in the process of reviving downed teammates.
It seems this tactical ability is where players believe the power is, and could potentially be why Gibraltar has pushed out the meta if we see more Seer players in the competitive scene.
Apex Legends Seer shifting the meta

In a recent stream, professional Apex Legends competitor, Albralelie, said that Seer could be a huge problem in competitive Apex Legends. This is because his tactical can basically stop enemy teams from executing a bubble reset.
A bubble reset is when a team can either get a revive or healable off inside the temporary cover of Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection. This has been a staple strategy of competitive Apex Legends for some time now and is also the main reason Gibraltar is so strong in the scene.
However, with the introduction of Seer, players will basically be able to cancel players healing and reviving inside of the bubble with Seer’s tactical, especially as the ability has a long and wide range, making it easy to hit a whole team inside of the dome.
Further, if timed correctly, Seer will actually be able to fully stop a revive and heal by timing it so that the bubble disappears soon after the cancel, a very strong counter to Gibraltar’s most useful tool.
This could actually see Caustic enter the meta over Gibraltar, especially after his most recent buff that makes his gas more prominent. Caustic’s gas lasts much longer than Gibraltar’s dome. Although it doesn’t offer as much protection, it can give teams more time to reset without having to worry about Seer teams capitalizing off canceling a revive or heal.
This is very interesting, and although it may not happen, as teams may still opt for Bloodhound over Seer, if a strong Seer meta enters the competitive scene, we could see Gibraltar counter more often, forcing players to switch Legends or change playstyles.
For more on Apex Legends, stay tuned via Charlie INTEL and check out our article on Seer’s Lil Nas X inspiration.
Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment