Apex Legends player discovers easy way to wall run at super speed

Hamza Khalid
Trick to easily wall run in Apex Legends

While Respawn have said that they won’t add wall running to Apex Legends, one player has discovered a technique that uses Octane’s Jump Pad to easily get the job done, and also grants you super speed.

Wall running was one of the most popular mechanics in Titanfall 2, and fans have been asking Respawn to bring the feature to Apex Legends for a while. Despite this, the developers explained that they don’t plan to implement it anytime soon.

However, it’s still possible to traverse the map without having your feet touch the ground, and one new method has been discovered that allows you to run along the walls with great speed. All you need is a bit of practice, and Octane’s Jump Pad.

octane apex legends skin

How to wall run at super speed in Apex Legends

Octane’s Jump Pad makes the Legend a popular pick, since it gives him added mobility and verticality. You can pick him if you need to quickly travel across the map, or get yourself away from an overwhelming number of enemies.

Reddit user treereee posted a clip in the Apexrollouts subreddit, in which they showed how you can successfully wall run with the Jump Pad. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Place the Jump Pad close to the base of a perpendicular wall.
  2. Jump off the pad and hold the right or left strafe key (A or D on PC).
  3. Once you’ve successfully stuck to the wall, start moving sideways in order to wall run.

The player also stated: “Do not hold W (forward) whatsoever, just hold sideways, you can go around the entire wall just holding the sideways input.” They also made it clear that holding down crouch the entire time will let you slide off at the very end.

You will face trouble when attempting to do this against slanted walls, so make sure you only try it with surfaces that go straight up and down. You’ll also move significantly faster, which makes it harder for your opponents to hit you.

Mastering this technique can give you a major advantage in the battle royale, which is why many Reddit users are convinced that the devs might get rid of it in a future update patch. However, it’s likely that they don’t even know about it yet.

Next time you decide to jump into Apex Legends, be sure to give this trick a try when playing as Octane. You’ll probably have to practice it a little before you can get it right, but it’ll be worth it to get the drop on your enemies.

Image Credit: Respawn Entertainment