Apex Legends Legacy update brings private matches to console

Joseph Pascoulis
Apex Legends private matches

Apex Legends Legacy update brings a host of new content. However, one change that has somehow snuck past the patch notes is Apex Legends private matches being available on console.

Apex Legends Legacy update has introduced Valkyrie, the Arena, the Bocek Bow, and Infested Olympus, not to mention World’s Edge, also returning from a season-long hiatus.

One update consoles players have been requesting for a very long time was also slipped into the Legacy update, as it seems console players are now able to enjoy private lobbies.

Apex Legends private matches tournament admin code

How to get a tournament admin code for Apex Legends

It seems the patch notes didn’t note every change for Apex Legends Legacy, as console players soon realized they were now able to participate in tournament matches.

Like on PC, you will need an admin code to create Apex Legends private matches or a participant code to join one. Most tournament matches will be held by content creators and those with an admin code given to them by the developers.

If you click on game modes, a selection of Apex Legends modes will pop up, including Battle Royale’s Trios and Duos, as well as the new 3v3 Arena mode.

On the top right you can find the Tournament Matches logo, if you click on it, you will be taken to a screen where you can enter the admin code to join or create a match.

Apex legends tournament admin code

Private tournaments were originally a PC exclusive option, leaving console players feeling left out, especially when content creators organized custom matches.

It’s unsure when players will be able to host their own private lobbies, but it’s still a big step in the right direction for console players.

For more on Apex Legends and the Legacy update, stay tuned on Charlie INTEL and check out our articles on Fuse’s Season 9 buff, all of the epic and legendary skins for the new legend Valkyrie, and the best settings to get high FPS for all of your matches during Legacy.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment