Apex Legends: How to activate the Season 9 Arena teaser

Joseph Pascoulis
Apex Legends Season 9 Teaser Arena

The Apex Legends Season 9 Arena teaser is now live, revealing the mystery behind the mysterious platform in the Firing Range.

After the halfway split for Season 8, players noticed a stranged platform implemented on the left side of the Firing Range map.

For weeks, players were unaware of its purpose, but the mystery was finally uncovered and associated with the new upcoming Arena mode.

Apex Legends Season 9 Teaser Arena

Data miner @GarretLeaks was among the few who leaked how players can activate the button found on the Firing Range platform.

GarretLeaks has even created a step by step guide of how players can experience the Season 9 Arena teaser, which is available now:

  • Step 1: Collect keycard from care packages
  • Step 2: Find Holosprays scattered around Kings Canyon
  • Step 3: Find Holosprays scattered around Olympus
  • Step 4: Press the phone in the lobby and listen to the audio
  • Step 5: Press the button on the Firing Range platform and wait for the ship

The Corrupted Keycards are now live and available to pick up from Care Packages in-game for both Kings Canyon and Olympus. Players will then be able to scan the Holosprays and activate the teaser in the Firing Range.

Dataminer @Shrugtal released images of where players will be able to find these Holosprays, which are located in various locations across the two maps.

You can scan multiple Holosprays in one match and even scan all three over multiple matches. It seems the Holosprays will spawn in all the locations highlighted in Shrugtal’s image.

With this, fellow data miner @Biast12 has also released a video showing what happens after activating the button in the Firing Range.

The video shows Biast boarding a ship after activating the button. Biast arrives at a new location where another button awaits, which activates an elevator. This then takes you into a small arena where a massive hollo of future Legend Ash is shown along with a voice line that states, “The Arena awaits.”

Make sure you complete this Apex Legends Arena teaser before May 4th, when the Legacy update is released, as the badge you receive has a secret update for the new season. Carlos Pineda revealed on his Twitter that the badge would have a “deluxe” version for those who complete the teaser before Legacy.

The badge will track your win streak on the new 3v3 Arena mode, and those who don’t complete the teaser will receive a basic version of the badge.

This is clearly a teaser for the upcoming 3v3 mode ‘Arena,’ which will be arriving in Season 9. However, this is also a teaser for the future legend Ash. Although Ash will likely be arriving at a later Season – more like Season 10 – it does confirm that she will be arriving sooner than later.

In fact, it’s not the first time an announcer for a game mode has eventually become a playable Legend. In Season 3, the Shadow Fall game mode saw Revenant as the announcer, who later became a playable Legend in Season 4.

Read more: All Unreleased Apex Legends Characters

If this stays true to the format, Ash could be the new Legend for Season 10 after being an announcer for the previous season, much like the introduction of Revenant.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment