The Great “Xbox VS. PS3” Call of Duty Debate


Every month PS3 players are left wondering when they’ll get their chance to call in their first killstreak in the brand new DLC map. And every month Xbox players respond to their cries to Activision and tell them to be patient, which is easy to say when your’re bored of the new maps already. Our staff writer Keshav (@Kkiller14) is the only PS3 player on the staff and is a loud voice in the PS3 community and is one of those people fighting the losing battle between PS3 and Activision. Rather then hear his pleas to Activision every month, I challenged him to a debate to settle the war once and for all… I’m not holding back…


The “Xbox VS. PS3” Debate:

Xbox 360 (Victor)
Keshav, Im not even sure where to start.. PS3 will always be second to Xbox, in releases, announcements, and marketing and this should be no surprise. Back on June 1st, 2009 at the E3 Modern Warfare 2 event, Activision and Microsoft announced an exclusive deal to receive DLC first which was eventually renewed on June 14th, 2010 before Black Ops was released. The deal granted exclusive rights to Microsoft which expires at the end of THIS year. PS3 WILL always get DLC and announcements but approximately 1 month after Xbox..

PS3 (Keshav)
It is very easy to say “PS3 will always be second to Xbox”. And Activision knows that the PS3 community is much bigger than Xbox players think. Looking at sales numbers over 11 million MW3 copies sold for ONLY PS3. 11 MILLION. PS3 players are the exact same as Xbox players. Both consoles are excellent. Where does the issue come then? $$$. The folks at Activision care about money, and money only. They could care less about the community. PS3 players have always wanted things, DLC. Ok MW2/BlackOps we got DLC second sure. We ALL had to pay $15. For MW3 NO. We ALL paid $50 for Elite. And Elite has not delivered anything but DLC. It took Activision until MARCH 2012 to tell us that we are getting DLC from Feb to Oct. Not when we bought ELITE…

Xbox 360 (Victor)
Money? Of course all they care about is money? LOL They’re a BUSINESS!.. Their main focus is profit, not the community. The fact is, Microsoft cared more about the community then Sony did because they paid up. If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at SONY for not paying for other exclusives. Instead, Sony thought Battlefield 3 would be a better investment and gave their money to EA, we all know how well that worked.. I do concede however to “PS3-ELiTE delay not being properly explained” when ELiTE was sold, Activision should have made that more clear to PS3 buyers BEFORE Nov. 8th.

PS3 (Keshav)
Misleading is simply the most outright complaint we have. The Beachhead updated their FAQs one week before launch stating PS3 Elite members still get DLC later. I understand the business non-sense but giving 11 MILLION players a “stay tuned” every day isn’t going to work much longer. I do not understand that. We all want equality like the Call of Duty: World at War days. DLC same time for everyone. But adding all this together PS3 players feel “ignored” “hated-on” by ATVI. They do not apologize. They just say “oh yeah wait hold on” “your DLC is coming” or “coming to other platforms at a later date”. WHAT IS THAT LATER DATE! That’s the problem with ATVI. Cannot be transparent with other platforms..
P.S: I am not even gonna start about how PC players feel ;P

Xbox 360 (Victor)
Your constant pleas to Activision are going unheard. Activision has had a marketing plan since before MW3 was even released. Im sure they probably already have a secret calendar somewhere which indicates when all the maps will come out, and when all the announcements will occur. Fact is, the exclusive contract (which no one has seen because its not public) probably indicates that they are not allowed to promote/discuss/or acknowledge PS3 DLC till a month after Xbox which is why you hear “stay tuned” a lot.. A contract is a legal binding document, more then likely Activision has heard the PS3 community the last 3 years but they cant do anything about it until the contract expires..




PS3 (Keshav)

To close: Activision needs to become transparent with the PS3 fans. TRANSPARENT is what we PS3/PC players want. Come Fall 2012 ATVI will be supporting TWO Sony devices with CoD. PS3 & PS VITA, and ONE from MS. We want something from ATVI other than “stay tuned” 4 weeks after Xbox got Collection 1. FOUR WEEKS. NOT ONE DAY. FOUR WEEKS. The time for Activision to put a date on the content on a website and not publicly announce is enough. Enough is enough with ATVI making PS3 players feel ripped off. And to state this, ATVI only  does this non-sense to PS3 players on their most profitable series, Call of Duty. Hm…

Xbox 360 (Victor)
This one is gonna sting.. The exclusive agreement is almost 2 1/2 years old, which means you had 30 months to buy an Xbox 360 if you really cared about Call of Duty and getting DLC as soon as possible. You chose to purchase a PS3, probably because of other great games like Uncharted and..and.. well the point is you always have a choice to get DLC on day one, it just needs to be on a Xbox 360 with the other 12.8 million Call of Duty fans.

I agree, Activision should have announced BEFORE Nov 8th that PS3 ELiTE subscribers will still be getting DLC a month after XBox, even with the ELiTE “get DLC first” promo. The only point Im trying to make, is that NOTHING will change until after December 31st, 2012. The only argument that should be made is “why weren’t we told BEFORE Nov 8th?” and asking for dates and PS3 announcements now will be a waste of time…

So, who won? Pick your side and voice your opinions in the comments below

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