Players can edit their loadouts in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare during a match

One of the new features in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare that practically all Call of Duty games have stayed away from was being able to edit classes during a match.
With Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward will be adding that feature into the game, allowing players to change their attachments and weapons during a match.
“For years we thought that if someone was able to edit their Loadout in-game they would be AFK, but with so many different attachments, it’s fun to switch out the stuff on the fly. Everybody scoffed at it when we first said we wanted to put it in, but it feels so good when you quickly change to a different attachment depending on the situation. Instant gratification!”
Players are now able to change up their weapons if they feel that some class isn’t working for the current match style, especially with the 100 player+ Ground War mode.
SOURCE: Activision