New playlist update seemingly confirms new maps for Modern Warfare

After the newest playlist update for Modern Warfare on April 1, it appears a glitch has confirmed some of the new maps coming soon to Modern Warfare.
The new update puts players in lobbies with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3’s Village map as the selected loading screen for the game, and others have also mentioned being placed into a lobby with Call of Duty 4’s Backlot map. The games do not start for players; the lobby re-selects a map before entering the match as these two maps are not fully implemented into the game yet. (Images via @WhosImmortal)
These two maps, of course, are not yet released for the game but have been found inside the game files after the March 27th update. These new maps are most likely coming with Season 3 of the game, which is set to begin on Tuesday, April 7.