How to mark an Alien Parasite for Fortnite Week 11 Quests

In one of the Quests for Fortnite Week 11, players are tasked with marking an Alien Parasite. We’ve got all the details on how to complete this challenge quickly and easily.
We’re up to Week 11 in Fortnite now, which means a fresh batch of Legendary and Epic Quests are available to work through. For those looking to grind out XP or Battle Stars, these are a sure-fire way to make a dent in the Battle Pass.
One of the standout Legendary Quests in Week 11 is asking players to mark one of the Alien Parasites, which have been invading the map throughout Season 7. Here’s everything you need to know.

Where to find an Alien Parasite in Fortnite
Alien Parasites have been on the map for some time now as part of Season 7, Invasion. They are stuck on the heads of animals you would normally find roaming around, such as wolves, boars, and chickens. If you keep an ear out for animals noises in between flights, you’ll be sure to track one down in no time.
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They can also be found waiting to hatch in Alien Eggs, which are found scattered around the island. Holly Hatchery is the best spot to try, as you’re likely to find many more eggs there. The likes of Hydro-16 or Lazy Lake might be other locations to check if you’re trying to avoid other players.

How to mark an Alien Parasite in Fortnite
If you stumble across an animal with a Parasite attached to its head, make sure you shoot the animal rather than the alien itself. This frees the parasite and forces it to chase after you.
On the other hand, if you find an Alien Egg, simply wait for it to hatch, and once again the parasite inside will come after you and try and attach itself to you.
Once you have freed a Parasite, be it one you found in the wild or hatched from an egg, you mark it the same way you mark anything else on the map. Depending on your platform of choice, press left on the D-Pad or the middle mouse button.
For guides tips on how to complete Fortnite Week 11 Quests, check out how to collect a vase of flowers from Lazy Lake, and where to interact with IO Radar Dish Bases.
Image credits: Epic Games / Fortnite.GG