How to fix Destiny 2 Wolfship Turbine Lost Sector bug

Destiny 2 Season of the Lost has brought new content for Guardians to enjoy, but it also has brought the new Wolfship Turbine bug that is causing frustration in the community.
Season of the Lost is officially underway in the world of Destiny 2, and it has brought new content for players to enjoy, like the Lorentz Drive exotic and has revealed information about upcoming content like the Thorn Armor set and the Gjallarhorn.
Unfortunately, the Season of the Lost has also brought a frustrating issue that prevents players from completing a particular bounty this season.
This Destiny 2 Wolfship Turbine bug is stopping Guardians from being able to complete this Lost Sector. Still, a couple of players have discovered a viable fix for the Destiny 2 Wolfship Turbine bug that has been causing issues.

Destiny 2 Wolfship Turbine bug fix
While playing Season of the lost, members of the community began to discover that the Wolfship Turbine Lost Sector located in the Tangled Shores area of the game has a bug affecting the ability of players to complete it.
This particular Destiny 2 Wolfship Turbine bug causes a barrier to not disappear when a player completes this Lost Sector, which causes you to not be able to get to the chest and acquire your loot.
This is also frustrating, considering Spider has a bounty that requires players to complete this Lost Sector, which this bug prevents.
However, community member Luxivity has discovered a way for players to fix the Wolfship Turbine bug, which fellow community member ClumsyDanniey goes into further detail in the video below:
As ClumsyDanniey mentions, players will need to make sure they bring their Sparrow with them into the Lost Sector, as dismounting it by the door where you can see the final award chest near the beginning is the key component in fixing this troublesome bug and making sure you get your hard-earned loot for your troubles.
For more Destiny 2, check out which new piece of exotic gear is taking over Season of the Lost right now, and stay tuned for future news and guides.
Image Credits: Bungie