How to equip a Detector & disable Alien billboards for Fortnite Quests

It’s another week, which means there are new Fortnite Quests to complete! One of the more difficult tasks in the new set wants players to find and equip a Detector, then disable an Alien Billboard.
Fortnite’s 17.30 update officially kicked off another week in Fortnite, introducing the highly-anticipated Grab-itron weapon, and setting the stage for Ariana Grande’s Rift Tour concert.
While there weren’t many map changes of note, one thing that eagle-eyed Fortnite fans will have noticed is the appearance of billboards, which the Aliens have programmed to say “SUBMIT” whenever a player gets close.
Now, it’s up to you to stop the Alien’s message to players by finding and equipping a Detector and then disabling the billboards.
Here’s everything you need to complete Week 9’s Legendary quest.

Where to find and equip a Detector in Fortnite
The good news is that finding the Detectors are relatively easy, as they are all located in named Fortnite locations where there is also a billboard.
There are seven locations where players can head, which are:
- Believer Beach
- Boney Burbs
- Craggy Cliffs
- Lazy Lake
- Misty Meadows
- Pleasant Park
- Retail Row

Once you choose a location to land at, you’re looking for a black crate somewhere in the area. The boxes are found outside somewhere, so don’t worry about searching every building you see.
Once you spot it, simply head over and interact with it. You’ll then be able to equip the Detector and start the second part of this quest.
How to disable an Alien Billboard

The final part of this challenge is pretty straightforward. Once you have your Detector equipped, look for the billboard which has been planted in the area, walk over to it, and interact with it. The billboards are usually just outside the POI, but they’re big enough that you should spot them pretty easily.
It’s important to note that this challenge doesn’t track across multiple games, which means you must complete both parts in the same match. If you get the Detector but die before you get to the billboard, you’ll need to start from scratch.
It’s well worth taking on this Quest though, as the XP reward will help you rank up your Season 7 Battle Pass before Fortnite Season 8 kicks off.
Image Credits: Epic Games