Bungie to address Destiny 2 weapon recoil issues ahead of crossplay

Developer Bungie have announced Destiny 2 weapon recoil will be adjusted ahead of the planned crossplay launch.
Crossplay is coming to Destiny 2 later this year, and Bungie plans to make PVP as balanced as possible between player inputs. In an earlier update, Bungie reduced the weapon recoil of several categories by 40%, depending on the archetype.
Apparently, this resulted in players entirely ignoring the stability weapon stat, resulting in “unintended discrepancies in weapon performance between controllers and mouse and keyboard”. As a response, Bungie will be changing the 40% difference in recoil stats for mouse and keyboard to 20%, for adjustments closer to controller. The affected weapon categories are the following:
- Auto Rifle
- Scout Rifle
- Pulse Rifle
- Submachine Gun
- Hand Cannon
- Machine Gun

Huge Weapon Buffs
In addition to the recoil stat adjustment for mouse and keyboard, Bungie has also buffed a few weapons for balancing purposes. Here are the highlights:
- Reduced camera movement from firing a Submachine Gun by 24%.
- Pulse Rifles with the mouse and keyboard changes were kicking a little too much.
- Reduced camera movement from firing a Pulse Rifle by 7%.
- Machine Guns with the mouse and keyboard changes were kicking a little too much.
- Reduced camera movement from firing a Machine Gun by 9.5%.
- Increased Rocket Launcher damage by 30%.
- Exotic Rocket Launchers have been adjusted individually and are affected by this change to different degrees.
- Breech Grenade Launcher projectiles will now detonate on impact with a character, even if holding the trigger.
- Increased Fusion Rifle damage falloff start distance based on Range stat. (6% with 0 Range, 16% with 100 Range)
- Reduced camera movement from firing a Fusion Rifle by 9.5%.

Weapon Nerfs
While some weapons were buffed, some weapons were also nerfed. Here are the highlights of those changes.
- Increased ADS flinch to Snipers when taking damage from other players
- Reduced Sword damage by 15%.
Looking towards the future of crossplay
With these changes for mouse and keyboard particularly, players on PC and console should be excited to see what Bungie has planned to maintain balanced gameplay between the input devices. It’s very possible Destiny 2 could have input- or even platform-based matchmaking similar to Apex Legends, which restricts players to inputs and platforms similar to their own unless they party with a PC player, but Bungie has yet to specify.
These changes could be pointing to a true crossplay system that aims to balance out gameplay between mouse and keyboard. If done successfully, it could prove to be a healthy change for the Destiny community.
We’ll update you if any more information is revealed. To read the full Bungie update, click here.
Image Credits: Bungie