Warzone August 2 update includes big Milano 821 recoil nerf

YouTuber TheXclusivAce has demonstrated how Warzone’s recent August 2 update has changed how Cold War’s Milano 821 SMG reacts with Stopping Power Rounds.
The August 2 update and patch notes for CoD: Warzone was a hotfix of sorts to address a few small issues in the game. Namely, removing the Juggernaut Suit from Plunder, and a few other general bug fixes.
But one change that has slipped under the radar a bit is an alteration to the Milano’s effectiveness when used with Stopping Power Rounds. The mid-combat upgrade traditionally increases the power of your clip in your gun, but it was a bit too effective with the Milano 821.

When players applied Stopping Power to Warzone’s Milano before the update, instead of increasing recoil to account for the extra firepower, it would actually decrease the recoil.
This was obviously a mistake, and TheXclusiveAce has shown how it’s been addressed: “Right from the beginning of the Cold War integration that happened with the Milano so that it would have reduced recoil with Stopping Power Rounds. At least until yesterday’s (August 2) hotfix.”
The YouTuber then went over to the usual green garage doors that JGOD uses to test out the recoil pattern of weapons.
“Once we load those Stopping Power Rounds in, instead of reducing that recoil, which it used to do, it now noticeably increases the recoil just like we would see with every other gun in the game.”

With the Milano 821 being more of a meta weapon than it has been in previous months, it makes sense to change this huge advantage.
Also, check out how to unlock CX-9 in Warzone & Modern Warfare.
Image Credit: Activision / Raven Software