Every Rebirth Island & Fortune’s Keep map change in Warzone Season 5

Liam Mackay
Nighttime Rebirth Island control center

While Warzone’s Season 5 update focuses on Caldera, the smaller Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep maps are also receiving some highly-requested updates. Here’s what’s changing in both Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep in Warzone Season 5.

Warzone Pacific Season 5 is the final season ahead of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, and Caldera will be going out with a fiery end. Lava runs down the sides of Peak and there’s a new Gulag that looks to be inspired by the original.

Many prefer the smaller Rebirth and Fortune’s Keep maps though, and Raven have dropped some quality of life updates to keep them fresh. Here’s every Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep map change in Warzone Season 5.

Warzone Rebirth Island lighting changes & “After Dark Map”

To match the lighting changes in Caldera, Rebirth Island will feature “a warm and lush sunset casting a vibrant hue over the map,” in Warzone Season 5.

That’s not all though, as the devs confirmed that the “After Dark Map” will arrive in September. Although they haven’t revealed what this will be yet, it could be the nighttime version of Rebirth Island that players have been desperate to see return.

Warzone Fortune’s Keep player count & Supply Box rates increased

While the Fortune’s Keep map itself isn’t undergoing any changes in Warzone Season 5, its playlists are receiving some quality of life updates.

In order to increase the action, Fortune’s Keep’s player count has been increased across every squad size. Here are all of the new player counts:

  • Solos: 
    • 50 Players, up from 45
    • +4 teams
  • Duos: 
    • 50 Players, up from 46
    • +2 teams
  • Trios: 
    • 51 Players, up from 45
    • +2 teams
  • Quads: 
    • 52 Players, up from 40 
    • +3 teams

To accommodate for this larger squad size, Raven Software have also increased the number of Supply Boxes that can be found in Fortune’s Keep. This should make buying a loadout and regaining after dying much easier.

Be sure to unlock the new EX1 and RA 225 SMG in the Season 5 Battle Pass and bring them to Rebirth Island and Fortune’s Keep.

Image Credit: Activision / Mike Gomez