Best Volk loadout for Warzone Season 4 Reloaded

The Volk is a fast-firing AR that can be deadly in the right hands. So we’ve put together our best Warzone Pacific Season 4 Reloaded loadout for it featuring optimal attachments, Perks, and Equipment.
Warzone Pacific Season 4 Reloaded is well underway, and players have been quick to test out different weapons after the season shook up the meta with several buffs and nerfs as well as a new gun in the Vargo-S Assault Rifle.
The Volk Assault Rifle is not one of Warzone’s most popular weapons, with WZ ranked showing a mediocre pick rate of 0.65%. However, recent buffs have turned the Volk into one of the most underrated weapons in Warzone.
Here’s how to make the best Warzone Pacific Season 4 Reloaded Volk loadout.
- Best Volk attachments for Warzone Pacific
- Best Volk Perks and Equipment in Warzone Pacific
- How to unlock the Volk in Vanguard and Warzone
- Alternatives to Volk
Best Warzone Volk loadout attachments

- Muzzle: Recoil Booster
- Barrel: Krausnick 428mm 05V
- Optic: Slate Reflector
- Stock: Reisdorf 22V Adjustable
- Underbarrel: Mark VI Skeletal
- Magazine: 7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags
- Ammunition: Subsonic
- Rear Grip: Taped Grip
- Perk: Perfectionist
- Perk 2: On-Hand
We’ll start off this Volk loadout by equipping the Recoil Booster to boost the fire rate and recoil control, while the Krausnick 428mm 05V will improve the weapon’s bullet velocity and damage range.
Given this Volk loadout is meant to be used as a close-range AR, the Slate Reflector is a go-to optic. You can use the Reisdorf 22V Adjustable and Mark VI Skeletal to improve the Volk’s ADS movement speed as well as its sprint-to-fire time.
The 7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags will grant you enough ammo to kill multiple enemies, and we went with the Subsonic ammunition to keep you off enemy mini-maps when firing the Volk.
Coming to our choice of perks, Perfectionist will provide another valuable boost to recoil control, whereas On-Hand will further increase ADS speed.
Best Warzone Volk Perks and Equipment

- Perk 1: E.O.D
- Perk 2: Overkill
- Perk 3: Amped
- Lethal: Throwing Knife
- Tactical: Stim
We recommend equipping E.O.D as your first Perk so that you can tank explosive damage from Grenades, C4, and Claymores that enemies will throw your way during close and medium-range battles.
Overkill allows us to pair the Volk Assault Rifle with a long-range gun like the ZRG 20mm Sniper Rifle, and Amped is perfect for quick weapon swapping during different combat situations.
The Throwing Knife allows you to finish off opponents at close range, and the Stim will grant you a health boost if you find yourself facing an overwhelming number of enemies.
How to unlock the Volk in Warzone

You’ll need to be Level 55 to unlock this gun in Vanguard and Warzone Pacific Caldera.
While it may be tempting to use some of the post-launch weapons that are now free for all players, unlocking the Volk is well worth your time as you’ll gain a powerful close-range weapon.
Best Warzone alternatives to Volk
If you’re looking for a great alternative to the best Warzone Volk loadout then we recommend trying out the Cold War AK-47. You can also go for the Cooper Carbine, which is easy to handle in combat.
For more Warzone, check out how Shotgun fans are annoyed with the close-range SMG meta or find out when Plunder is coming back to Warzone.
Image Credits: Activision / Raven Software