REPORT: Activision looking to launch a new offline Call of Duty esports league, replacing online CWL

Keshav Bhat

According to a new report from ESPN, Activision is working on replacing the current online Call of Duty World League with a new offline league system beginning in Spring 2017.

ESPN reports that Activision held a call with World League team owners this past week and proposed the idea. Activision wants to discontinue using online league systems through the PSN and instead focus on LAN based competitions.

Activision proposed the idea that the league would begin in March or April and is being referred to as “Global Super Bowl.” ESPN reports that this league would have 16 teams (10 from North America, four or five from Europe, and one or two from Australia and New Zealand) and take place at MLG’s arena in Columbus.

In addition, Activision plans to provide money to teams to relocate to the location of the offline league.

ESPN cautioned that this is still in the works but plans could change.

Activision, so far, has only announced one event for the 2017 CWL season: MLG Vegas, which takes place December 16-18. They have expanded a little saying CWL Pro Point events are coming back, and that CWL is expanding to Asia region.

We will update as we learn more.