Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds “game-changing” vendor with rare potion after 1000 hours

Act 3 of Baldur’s Gate 3 is packed with a ton of interesting things to find, which means that even after 1000 hours, players are still discovering new secrets like vendors who sell rare potions.
If you get caught committing a crime by the Flaming Fist and agree to get arrested, you’ll be taken to Heapside Prison in the Lower City. There are a few ways you can escape the prison, like going through a breakable wall behind some crates.
When you do, head to the cell straight across from where you go downstairs. Here, you’ll find Skittle the rat. You can free him from his cell by grabbing the key from Fist Corlos, or you can speak to him through his cell.
He only speaks in puns, and you must use Speak with Animals in order to understand him, but it’s worth it because he sells an Elixir of Universal Resistance.

This is a super rare potion that grants you Resistance to all incoming damage types for 10 turns. If you don’t get arrested or make your way to Heapside otherwise, you’ll likely miss the encounter.
‘JustFrameHotPocket’ met Skittle for the first time after 1000 hours, and said “I’m utterly amazed how much is in this game,” on Reddit.
Other players also pointed out that Skittle doesn’t only sell this potion, but is one of the only merchants in the game where you can find a Knock scroll. This spell is one of the strongest in the game, and it’s really helpful to have this scroll if you don’t have a Wizard or a Bard in your party.
“[I] wonder how many people actually knew that rat was not only a vendor, but a game-changing one,” one player said on the thread.
This is also true because the little rat vendor has the No. 2 Counting House Key. You can use this key when you visit the Counting House in the city, and it’ll open the corresponding Vault, which has a ton of loot to grab.
Skittle also sells Thieves’ Tools and different kinds of scrolls that can help you escape from the prison. So, it may be worth getting into trouble the next time you’re in Baldur’s Gate.