New Apex Legends leak claims ‘Dragon’ LMG coming soon

Hamza Khalid
Apex Legends LMG

A unique new Light Machine Gun called the “Dragon” has been revealed in some Apex Legend leaks, and this unique weapon is the first of its kind to make use of Light Ammo.

When you hop into a match of Apex Legends, you’ll immediately have to search for some top tier weapons to boost your chances of victory. The battle royale has only had three unique LMGs since launch, but now a fourth might be on its way.

One Apex Legend data miner uncovered some brand-new weapons in the game files, and a notable addition was the “Dragon.” This is a new LMG that’s different from the others because it uses Light Rounds.

Weapons in Apex Legends

These leaks came from prominent Apex Legends data miner ‘Biast12’, who revealed a handful of new weapons on April 11. The Dragon LMG caught the attention of many fans due to one important detail.

This might be the first weapon of its kind to use Light Rounds in the battle royale. There are currently only six weapons in Apex that rely on this type of ammo, and LMGs mainly utilize Heavy Rounds or Energy Ammo.

If the Dragon is added to the game, then making use of Light Rounds will give it an extremely fast rate of fire. This means that you’ll be able to use it to cause some serious pain in a short amount of time.

Those are the only known details about this weapon at the time of writing. We currently don’t know its power, recoil, or where to find it on the map. Biast12 shared a close look at the in-game model, and it seems lightweight compared to other LMGs.

While this model seems unique, it’s important to keep in mind that these are just leaks, so there’s a chance that we might not see the Dragon in the game. Hopefully, Respawn will announce something official to confirm its arrival.

Perhaps it will be part of the upcoming Season 9 update for Apex Legends. We’ll keep checking for any new developments regarding this, and will inform you of anything new that we learn.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertiainment

About The Author

Hamza was a Games Writer at CharlieIntel who graduated from Bahria University with a Bachelors degree in Business Administration. He primarily covered news and guides for various video games, including Call of Duty and Apex Legends.