Apex Legends: Best Arenas weapons in Season 10

Joseph Pascoulis
best apex legends arenas weapons

There are various weapons at different price points in Apex Legends’ new Arenas mode, but which ones are the best to ensure you and your team are victorious?

Apex Legends Season 10 is well underway, and with a new Legend and balance changes, Arenas has also been affected by the new update.

As well as a ranked playlist finally coming to the 3v3 mode, players will also experience some price changes and new weapons in the shop, so which are the best to purchase?

apex legends arenas best weapons

How does Arenas work?

In Arenas, players receive Crafting Materials every round that can increase depending on how well they perform. These Crafting credits can then be used to spend on items such as weapons, consumables, and even abilities.

Apart from abilities, all other purchases are reset each round, allowing players to be flexible with their purchases, especially as Crafting Materials can be saved through rounds.

As the rounds go on, players will receive more and more Crafting Materials, increasing your budget for spending in the shop before rounds start. For the best chance of winning, players should be trying to collect the Crafting Material tanks on either side of the map to purchase even more before rounds, but which weapons are the best to purchase?

Apex Legends Best Arenas Weapons

We thought it would be good to show off what we think the best weapon choice is for each category in the game, so here are our best weapons in Arenas.

Marksmen – G7

apex legends arenas best weapons g7

The G7 is a great place to start when considering what weapon to purchase in the first couple of rounds. It only costs 400 Crafting Materials, one of the cheapest weapons in the game, and one of the most effective at medium to long-range.

As Arenas is mostly about poking enemies and trying to do enough damage to waste the enemies’ heals, the G7 does this very efficiently from various ranges, even having a decent hip fire spread.

If you are a player who is used to semi-automatic weapons and are comfortable with the G7 in the battle royale mode, this is certainly a weapon you should be purchasing and upgrading every round.

LMG – L-Star

apex legends arenas best weapons L-star

The L-Star is another great pick up for the starting rounds in Arenas due to its low price of only 500 Crafting Materials. If you are someone who has a more aggressive playstyle and wants to get up in people’s faces rather than poke with a G7, the L-Star is a great alternative.

As the L-Star is an LMG, it also performs very well at range. However, the main strength of this weapon is its potential in close combat. The L-Star doesn’t have a magazine, but it will overheat and play an animation if you shoot it for too long.

To get the most out of this weapon, make sure you stop shooting just before it overheats so that you can continue firing again much faster than any reload speed. The L-Star is very underrated, and when used correctly, it is one of the best weapons to use in Arenas.

Sniper – Sentinel


The Sentinel has taken a big leap this season, becoming the floor-loot sniper in the game and is now one of the best Apex Legends Arenas weapons. It is also a great pickup in Arenas for those who are good at sniping, dealing 70 damage to the body and a massive 105 to the head, which will aggravate the enemy team and make them use up their heals.

The Sentinel also only costs 400 Crafting Materials. However, it is definitely worth upgrading a couple of times for a better scope, so this would be a great pick-up for the later rounds.

The Sentinel is one of the best weapons in Arenas due to its serious damage and ability to crack shields on a headshot. One of these shots could lead to your team pushing and getting that vital knock that leads to victory.

SMG – Prowler


Although a recent update saw an increase in the Prowler’s price, there was good reason for this change, as this weapon is extremely effective in Arenas. Although it is a burst weapon, the Prowler works well from close and mid-range, with fairly easy recoil to control.

It is also great when firing from the hip, remaining surprisingly accurate without the need to ADS. This is great for those sticky close-ranged engagements, as not needing to ADS can make the difference when it comes to getting off the first shot.

Assault Rifle – Flatline

apex legends flatline

Lastly, we have the Flatline, arguably the best Assualt Rifle option in Arenas due to its versatility and easy-to-control recoil.

The Flatline does cost 550 Crafting Credits, which is on the more expensive end of the weapon prices. However, it is definitely worth it. The Flatline has very easy to control recoil even without many attachments or upgrades and also has a fairly large magazine size without an extended magazine.

The two best things about the Flatline and why it is one of the best Apex Legends Arenas weapons is its versatility. The Flatline is very easy to use up close and has a highly accurate hip fire, allowing you to stay mobile while hitting your close-ranged shots.

That’s all for the best Apex Legends Arenas weapons. For more on Apex Legends, check out the best landing spots in Apex Legends Season 10.

Image Credits: Respawn Entertainment